Nature Journaling Workshop in Old Wethersfield Connecticut

A few weeks ago I gathered with a group of 16 fellow naturalists (hello CT Friends!) for a morning workshop at the beautiful Webb Deane Stevens Museum. We started by wandering in the historic garden followed by a brief discussion about seeing-drawing and the calming benefits of not just being in nature, but deeply taking it in. Letting our curiosity lead the way, we closely examined the small bouquets I made from garden cuttings, intuitively sketching what we were seeing, while noting our thoughts and discoveries on the page, and with each other. I can’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday morning!


Below you’ll find a list of the additional supplies we talked about in the workshop along with some of the books that I’ve found informative or inspiring. I receive a small commission if you click and order using one of the affiliate links below. This does not result in any additional charges to you:)

Sketching and Painting Supplies

Pentel Mechanical Pencil with Eraser

I love these pencils and have several in different lead weights. They have twist up erasers and are refillable.

Mr. Pen - Airtight Watercolor Palette

This is a good palette for travel because of the air tight seal.

U.S. Art Supply 8.5 x 5.5 Watercolor Book - 2 Pack

Very good watercolor sketchbooks, bright white paper and a great price for two books!

Strathmore 300 Series 5.5 x 8.5 Mixed Media Sketchbook

Great smaller sketchbook with smooth, white paper that can take light watercoloring.

Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Paint Set

Wonderful set, consisting of 12 tubes of watercolor and a brush.

Black Velvet Round Watercolor Brush no. 6

A beautiful brush with a softer tip for expressive lines.


Why I Wake Early by Mary Oliver

National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers

The Nature Fix by Florence Williams

Beatrix Potter’s Gardening Life by Marta McDowell

Gifts From The Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin